Project 무주 시옷집
Location 전라북도 무주군
Architect 선아키텍처 건축사사무소
Coordinator JYA-RCHITECTS 건축사사무소
Construction 라권수
Area 61.08m2
Duration 2015.6
초록우산 어린이재단 전북지부의 요청으로 JYA-RCHITECTS가 코디네이터로, SUN ARCHITECTURE가 설계자로 참여했다.
저렴한 방법으로 짓되, 확실한 단열 성능을 확보하고자 했다.
먼저 떠올린 것은 ‘창고’ 형태의 ‘집’이었다. 집을 북측 대지경계에 바짝 붙이고, 넓어진 마당이 대지의 중심이 되도록 배치했다.
At the request of the Jeonbuk branch of the ChildFund Korea, JYA-rchitecture participated as coordinatos and SUN Architecture as designers.
It was built in an economical way, but wanted to ensure a certain insulation performance. The first thing that came to mind was a ‘house’ in the form of a ‘warehouse’. The house was placed close to the north’s land border, and the yard was placed to become the center of the land.